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What Does It Take to Get to Heaven?

Click the picture to watch a short video on how you can know for sure that you are going to Heaven.

The Bible clearly states in Ephesians 2: 8-9, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves:  it is the gift of God:  not of works, lest any man should boast."


The Bible, and the Bible alone, has the plain and simple truth about heaven and how to get there.  The Bible verses quoted above clearly lay out God's requirements for becoming one of His children and going to heaven.


Notice the word "saved."  You may ask, "Why would I need to be 'saved'?"  All of us human beings have sinned against God.  Anything that is against God's laws found in the Bible is sin.  Have you ever lied?  Have you disobeyed or dishonored your parents?  If you have, you have sinned against God and are a sinner.


The Bible warns of the consequences of sin.  The penalty of sin is being forever separated from God in the lake of fire.  Now you can see why you need to be "saved."


There is hope of eternal life and escaping death.  It is found in the word "grace."  Most people think they will go to heaven if they impress God with their good deeds--being a good person.  After all, they think, "If my good deeds outnumber my bad deeds..." or "If I do enough good deeds..."  While there is nothing wrong with good deeds--they are "works" we do.  The plain truth is that no matter how hard we work to please God, they will not result in salvation.


God does not give eternal life or entrance into heaven on the basis of works because salvation is a free gift given by God.  Grace means "undeserved love."  Even though you have sinned against God, He loves you and wants you to become His child and go to be with Him in heaven.  Works have absolutely no part in your salvation.  Trusting in works will never result in your entrance into heaven.


You can only receive the gift of salvation through "faith."  Faith is simply believing in something.  It means to commit your trust to something or somebody.  Our faith must be solely in Jesus Christ.  John 3:15 and 16 declares, "Whosoever believes in Him (Jesus Christ the Son of God) has eternal life."


Jesus Christ, the Son of God, left heaven, came to this earth, and willingly gave Himself as our substitute on the cross.  He took our punishment for our sins so that by placing our faith in Him we have eternal life.  


Now you have all the plain and simple facts about having eternal life and going to heaven.  The only thing left is to trust in Jesus as your Savior.  Trust Jesus Christ as your Savior!


If you have now trusted Jesus Christ as Savior, or have any questions about trusting in Jesus Christ as Savior, please let us know. You can send us a message below or contact us through phone or email. We would be honored to help answer all of your questions about your decision to trust in Jesus Christ as Savior. 


Riverside Drive
Baptist Church

1085 Riverside Drive

Auburn, Maine  04210



(207) 782-5400


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